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Three Peaks. Three Countries. Three Days.

TradeHelp’s own Company Secretary will be donning her walking boots and undertaking an impressive challenge this September, in […]

Charity and Sponsorship | 7 years, 10 months ago

TradeHelp’s own Company Secretary will be donning her walking boots and undertaking an impressive challenge this September, in aid of Restart Rugby.

Having raised over £2,000 for the charity, Nell will be joining rugby legends Charlie Hodgson, Lee Mears and Ben Clarke in conquering Testa Della Tronche in Italy, Tete Ronde in Switzerland and Le Brevent in France.

Restart Rugby is the official charity of The Rugby Players’ Association (RPA). Formerly known as The RPA Benevolent Fund, Restart Rugby was founded in 2001 to support professional players forced to retire through illness or injury.

They provide financial, practical and emotional support to players and their families during difficult times, including:

  • Help with the cost of long term or on-going medical treatment
  • Assistance to pay for equipment or home improvements to help with rehabilitation
  • Support to attain qualifications and retrain in the event of career-ending illness or injury
  • A counselling service to help players and their families cope during difficult times
  • Financial support if a player is unable to work as a result of illness or injury
  • Medical research and injury prevention initiatives to reduce future demand on charity funds

Find out more about Restart Rugby here.

With just a few months left to train, Nell sets off on 10th September 2017. We wish her all the best and will keep you updated on her progress!

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