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Nell completes the Restart Rugby Alpine Challenge

Last week Nell and a team of 16 trekkers including rugby legends Ben Clarke, Charlie Hodgson and Tamara […]

Charity and Sponsorship | 7 years, 5 months ago

Last week Nell and a team of 16 trekkers including rugby legends Ben Clarke, Charlie Hodgson and Tamara Taylor, donned their boots and headed to the Alps.

The challenge?  To cover more than 60km, ascending a total of 4,500m whilst conquering Testa Della Tronche in Italy, Tete Ronde in Switzerland and Le Brevent in France.

Events like this are crucial for Restart Rugby to help and support players and their families who have suffered injury, illness or hardship. Amongst those players is Ed Jackson who sadly broke his neck earlier this year in an accident. Restart Rugby is supporting Ed with the costs of physiotherapy.  They also provide:

  • Financial support: helping with cost of living, on-going medical treatment or the costs for equipment or home improvement to help with rehabilitation or disabled access;
  • Practical support:  helping with the transition out of rugby into retirement, qualifications and retraining and providing opportunities for future career paths;
  • Emotional support:  their 24/7 confidential counselling service is there to help players and their families cope with issues such as depression and anxiety.

The trek was a total success with all members completing the tough challenge with no injuries, just a few sore knees having amassed a total of 107,000 steps each over the 3 days.

To read more about the trek and Restart Rugby take a look at their website here.

A huge well done to Nell and the rest of the trekkers who have raised a total to date of £45,000 for this great organisation.

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