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Down the local with Craig Houston, Northern Regional Manager at Danfoss

5 Minutes Down the Local Craig Houston, Norther Regional Manager at Danfoss joins TradeHelp down the local for a […]

5 minutes down the local | 7 years, 3 months ago

5 Minutes Down the Local

Craig Houston, Norther Regional Manager at Danfoss joins TradeHelp down the local for a pint and a quick chat…

Four celebrities in your favourite boozer – who would you invite?

Stephen Fry
Jo Brand
Sir Alex Ferguson
Ronnie O’Sullivan

What would you choose to drink?

Malt Whisky (Glenmorangie)

Which sport would you debate?

Football and Snooker

What would be playing on the jukebox?

50’s Rock n roll

Which book or film would you recommend?

John Connolly – Charlie Parker book set

What would you call your autobiography?

No good story started with someone saying ‘remember that night I had a coke…’

Something that people would be surprised to learn about you…

I am situs inversus

How would you spend your ideal weekend?

On a boat in the Caribbean

What was your first paid job?

Milk Boy

The best piece of advice you have ever been given…

Don’t lie because you need a great memory if you do

What is your biggest regret?


What would you most like to achieve over the next 12 months?

To try and get my 3rd Dan in Karate


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