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5 minutes down the local with Ernie McDonald, European Director at Fernox

For our latest ‘5 minutes with’ feature we caught up with Ernie McDonald from Fernox for a quick […]

5 minutes down the local | 7 years, 16 days ago

For our latest ‘5 minutes with’ feature we caught up with Ernie McDonald from Fernox for a quick pint of London Pride.

Ernie McDonald

Four celebrities in your favourite boozer – who would you invite?

Bill Beaumont
Colin Bell
Pep Guardiola
Eddie Jones

What would you choose to drink?

Fuller’s London Pride (Boddington’s prior to the closure of the Strangeways Brewery)

Which sport would you debate?

Rugby Union

What would be playing on the jukebox?

Benny Hill – Ting A Ling A Loo

Which book or film would you recommend?

Nineteen Eighty Four George Orwell

What would you call your autobiography?

Family First

Something that people would be surprised to learn about you…

I was in a Pampers advert

How would you spend your ideal weekend?

With my ever growing family

What was your first paid job?

Construction Site Labourer

The best piece of advice you have ever been given…

Do as you would be done by.

What is your biggest regret?

Not playing golf as a teenager (however it probably wouldn’t make much difference to my game today)

What would you most like to achieve over the next 12 months?

Spend more time getting fitter

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