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Installer Show 2018

With Installer 2018 now behind us, we take a quick look at the 3 days spent at the […]

ACS Centres | 6 years, 9 months ago

With Installer 2018 now behind us, we take a quick look at the 3 days spent at the Ricoh Arena in Coventry.

Firstly, a very big thank you to all of those who came to meet us on the stand, whether current members or new.  It was great to speak to so many installers face to face and communicate the free benefits that TradeHelp can offer in supporting SMEs in the industry.

We hope that all those who downloaded the app are finding the tools it offers useful – if you haven’t already joined the TradeHelp Buying Group, make sure you do so in the Settings area, to ensure that you can access your cash back and savings.

Some of the highlights for us:

  • Over 350 installers, ACS centre managers and manufacturers came to see us to register their interest in the benefits we provide
  • Over 150 installers joined up to our Buying Group whilst at the show and got their free welcome gifts (the insulated bottle was the clear favourite!)
  • The endless stream of visitors, young and old, taking to the Isle of Man TT Simulator to try and bag some great prizes, including tickets to the Ulster Grand Prix
  • Craig Neve, our sponsored motorcycle racer, setting the bar with a fantastic run on the simulator and sharing some tips on the day
  • Not to mention over 500 bags of Real Crips and Nobby’s Nuts handed out to hungry visitors!

If you weren’t able to attend the event please do get in touch and find out more about what we can do for you, or download the TradeHelp app from Google Play or the App Store.  It is free to download and use and you can join our FREE Buying Group through the app too.



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