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TradeHelp Bathroom App Previewed to Industry Press

Last week saw an exciting milestone for TradeHelp when members of the team previewed the new TradeHelp Bathroom […]

Industry Events | 6 years, 4 months ago

Last week saw an exciting milestone for TradeHelp when members of the team previewed the new TradeHelp Bathroom App with industry press.

Press Launch

Members of the heating and bathroom press joined us at London’s Duck and Waffle for a special preview of the new TradeHelp Bathroom App which will be available from next month.

After enjoying the breathtaking views from the 40th floor with a cocktail or two (and building their own lego bathrooms!) the guests enjoyed a short presentation before tucking into a fabulous lunch at the iconic restaurant.

TradeHelp founders, Martin and Nell Jones, reviewed the impressive growth of the Network since the launch of its heating app in September 2017 and the exciting development planned for the future including expansion into multi-trade.  Project Manager, Sophie Hedgecoe, then lead the group through a demonstration of the new bathroom app which, along with all the original benefits, now boasts a bathroom quote tool with professional room planning software.

A big thank you to all those that attended.  Watch this space for more news on the release of the bathroom app!

TradeHelp Network

The TradeHelp Network now boasts over 3000 installer members and 19 supply chain partners.  If you would be interested in finding out more about the free benefits TradeHelp provides to installers, or the added value delivered to our manufacturer and merchant partners, then contact us at [email protected] or call us on 01978 666 887.

TradeHelp App

The TradeHelp App is free to download and use from the App Store or Google Play from the links below.

App Store

Google Play



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