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NEW: Oil Boiler Quotes and Forms

You can now create quick and easy quotes for combi, regular or system oil boilers in the TradeHelp […]

TradeHelp | 6 years ago

You can now create quick and easy quotes for combi, regular or system oil boilers in the TradeHelp app…

NEW Oil Boiler Quotes

Create either quick or comprehensive quotes for oil installations and select from Grant, Worcester or Firebird boilers.

The new quote option can be found alongside the gas option by selecting ‘New Quote’ from your menu.

OFTEC Complaint Oil Forms

Once your installation is complete use the electronic Oil Fired Service Commissioning Report and Oil Fired Installation Completion Report from the Install section in the app and email direct to the customer.

Don’t Forget…

  • You are entitled to cash back on the Worcester oil boilers (excl packs) through the free TradeHelp Buying Group. The prices displayed within the app are retail prices for quoting purposes only.  Totals can be amended at the end of the quote.
  • You do not purchase your materials from TradeHelp, simply buy as you normally do from your preferred merchant and access cash back on qualifying products if you are a member of the Buying Group.
  • You can apply to offer finance to your customers on oil boilers as well as gas and bathroom installations.  Go to your app Settings and complete the short questionnaire under ‘Offer Finance’.
  • If you don’t already have the app simply download and use for FREE from the App Store or Google Play.


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