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Tips from TradeHelp – Terms and Conditions

Within our upcoming features, members of the TradeHelp Team will be sharing with you some advice and tips […]

TradeHelp | 5 years, 10 months ago

Within our upcoming features, members of the TradeHelp Team will be sharing with you some advice and tips from their personal experience in the trade.  From legal to procurement and marketing to time management, we hope you will find the information useful.

Starting us off, Martin Jones MD of TradeHelp (previously MD of PH Jones prior to its sale in 2011) talks us through the importance of Terms and Conditions.

In my later years at PH Jones I was lucky enough to have a team to support with the legal side of the business and in particular my wife, Nell – a Barrister!  When I first joined PH Jones however, we ran the company from a portacabin in my father’s garden and this certainly wasn’t the case.  At some point in time all companies will have to deal with a dispute and being prepared can be invaluable.

The Importance of Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions may not be the first thing that comes to mind when setting up your own business.  Even when you are up and running the list of tasks to complete are endless and marketing your business and getting the job done can take priority.

In most cases customers will be satisfied with the work and will pay up on time, but when this isn’t the case what have you got in place to protect your business?

Protecting Your Business

It is unrealistic for any business to command full payment for a job upfront and therefore crucial that the paperwork you produce in advance clearly covers what you intend to provide and your payment terms.

With no Terms and Conditions, you put yourself at risk of uncertainty and misunderstandings. You also run the risk of looking less professional and potentially losing a job or encouraging customers who may have had no grounds, to both dispute the work and delay payment.

Being prepared could save you endless hassle and money in the long run and should any dispute have to be escalated, you will have the written proof required as evidence.

What do you need to provide?

  • A clear definition of what is included within the price including the type of products and any additional services such as electrical works
  • Your payment terms and at what point payment is due
  • The required information under the Consumer Contract Regulations 2013
  • Any warranties included and what is required to keep products within warranty
  • Timelines for delivery
  • Clarification as to any disputes and the process you will follow in this circumstance

Free Terms and Conditions from TradeHelp

Terms and Conditions don’t need to be daunting.  Creating a quote through the free TradeHelp app allows you to provide a detailed and professional PDF ready to send directly to the customer and comes with Terms and Conditions capable of covering any size of business.  If you want anything added to these then just let us know.

Through the free Toolbox and Install section in the app you can also take advantage of electronic Waiver Forms (to protect you if you install within the 14 days after the customer accepts your quote) and a Satisfaction Note which can be signed by the customer in the property and provide even more protection for your business.

For more information on the TradeHelp app and all the free benefits please contact us on 01978 666 887 or download the app from the links below.

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