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PHEX Manchester 2019 Winner Announcement

PHEX Manchester 2019 A huge thank you to everyone that came to visit us at PHEX Manchester over […]

Competition | 5 years, 4 months ago

PHEX Manchester 2019

A huge thank you to everyone that came to visit us at PHEX Manchester over the last few days. It’s been great for us to meet new installers and also put to some faces to names.

It was very busy at times and we know that we missed being able to have a proper chat with some of you.  Please do feel free to give us a call in the office at any time – we are here Monday to Friday 8.30am – 5.00pm and always keen to hear your feedback or provide more information.

Competition Winner

Onto the exciting bit… We held a fantastic competition to win a Viessmann Vitodens 200-W boiler.  The question was ‘What is the modulation range of the new Vitodens 200-W?’  The correct answer was 1:17 – well done to those who answered correctly!

Martin has drawn the winner from the correct entries this afternoon… click below to see if it was you!

Our thanks again to everyone PHEX, to Allen Hart for coming to meet some of our installers on the day and all of you who said ‘hello’! We look forward to working with you in the future.

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