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Manufacturer Price Increases

Please be aware that the following Manufacturer industry price increases are set to take place in the coming […]

Member Benefits | 5 years, 1 month ago

Please be aware that the following Manufacturer industry price increases are set to take place in the coming months.

Manufacturer Price Increases

Date of Increase Manufacturer % Increase
From 01/02/2020 Worcester Bosch (Spares only) 4%
Viessmann Boilers 4.5%
Intergas Boilers 4%
Intergas Flue & Accessories 4.5%
Intergas Spares 7%
Grunfos 4.3%
From 01/03/2020 Ideal Boilers 5%
Keston Boilers 3%
Vaillant Boilers 4%
Glowworm Boilers 4%


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Merchant Savings : access special ‘TradeHelp’ terms on thousands of products.  Pay on your own cash or credit account, simply reference the TradeHelp account reference to get a quote on the discounted terms.  There is no obligation to spend anything but if these negotiated terms are cheaper you can purchase at that price.

  • TradeHelp terms on over 50,000 products from City Plumbing Supplies 
  • TradeHelp terms on over 84,000 products from Plumbase and Graham
  • Special offers on heating products from James Hargreaves

Manufacturer Cash Back : Cash back on boilers and related products from 15 leading manufacturers including Worcester, Vaillant, Viessmann, Intergas, Fernox, Adey, Sentinel, Honeywell, Drayton and Danfoss.
If you purchase from Wolseley, City Plumbing, Graham, Plumbase or James Hargreaves we will receive an automatic activity report for any qualifying products purchased each month.  For purchases made from any other supplier including Screwfix or independents just send us a copy of your invoice via email or through the Document Upload tool in the TradeHelp app.  Cashback is paid directly into your bank account.

Monthly Price Checking : Our experienced procurement team will review your spend report, sending you a monthly update via email.  Any over charges will be flagged to you and claimed back for you on your behalf from the merchant.  Save time and money.

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