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Plumbase – Free Next Day Carriage for TradeHelp Members

**UPDATE** Plumbase have now kindly extended this offer until 30th April. We understand that social distancing is not […]

Merchant Partners | 4 years, 11 months ago

**UPDATE** Plumbase have now kindly extended this offer until 30th April.

We understand that social distancing is not easy whilst trying to maintain a service for your customers. In an effort to support installers over the coming weeks, Aidan Ogle, Spares Director at Plumbase, has waived next day carriage charges to any TradeHelp members for the next two weeks.

Already a member?

Simply follow the instructions below to place your order.  If you are set up for the discounted TradeHelp terms at Plumbase then don’t forget to use them.  If not just call us on 01978 666 887 and we will set them up for you.

Not a member of the free TradeHelp Network?

Join up HERE and start saving


How to order

Orders by email are preferred but Plumbase have assured us there plenty of staff to cover both email and phone, and they will acknowledge receipt of all emails.

By telephone  –  01285 715 406
By email  –  [email protected]

Cut-off  is 16:30 and next day carriage is free

Take a look at the Plumbase website – HERE

Premium services of pre 12pm and pre 10.30am are also available at reduced rates of £4.50 and £10.00 respectively.

Any questions? Just ask

Please fill out the form below, and we will be in touch

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