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First Viessmann winner draw…Plus two more chances to win!

Viessmann Competition to win a Vitodens 100-w During April, TradeHelp members have had the chance to win a […]

Competition | 3 years, 10 months ago

Viessmann Competition to win a Vitodens 100-w

During April, TradeHelp members have had the chance to win a new 35kw Vitodens 100 combination boiler.  Plus, for every new Vitodens 100 purchased over the month, members will also receive £20 cash back. The promotion continues for May and June so don’t miss out on your chance to be the next winner!

We are very pleased to share Viessmann’s James Carter – drawing the April winner!

Don’t forget there are still two more chances to win…

How to take part

There is one new 35kw Vitodens 100 combination boiler up for grabs each month (May and June 2021). Double cash back can also be claimed on any Vitodens 100 during this period.

There is no limit on entries, the more boilers installed, registered and connected to the internet, the more opportunities to win each month. A winner will be selected at random and announced after each month.

  • Register your interest for the promotion. If you have not previously registered for a promotion with Viessmann, please open this email and reply ‘YES’ to allow us to share your details with Viessmann.  Your local rep will then be in touch to provide further information. If you have already registered through TradeHelp you do not need to do this.
  • Install a boiler from the new Vitodens 100 range*, register it and connect it to the internet. For support with registrations or connections just contact Viessmann Support.

Access your cash back

Please send proof of purchase to [email protected] or use the handy ‘Document Upload’ tool in the free TradeHelp app.  Your cash back will be paid directly into your account on receipt from Viessmann.

During April, May and June 2021, members will access £20 cash back on each Vitodens 100 purchased.  Your standard £10 cash back continues to be available on each Vitodens 050, 111 and 200 throughout 2021 (but please note purchases of these boilers do not qualify towards an entry in the competition).

Never tried Viessmann?

These great easy-to-fit boilers all hold the Which? Best Buy award, and are the preferred choice for many TradeHelp members over the generally more expensive Vaillant brand. TradeHelp Buying Group members registering their first Viessmann boiler before 30th June 2021 will also receive an additional £20 as a thank you from Viessmann.

Join the FREE TradeHelp Buying Group

Not already a member of the free TradeHelp Buying Group? TradeHelp is the No.1 free Trade Network and uses the combined buying power of over 10,000 members to access special offers and discounts on your behalf.  There is no obligation and no charge, simply take advantage of the benefits that suit you. Join today and start saving.

Register for Free

For any questions regarding the competition or general TradeHelp benefits, please call us on 01978 666 887, 8.30am – 5.00pm Monday – Friday.

Full competition terms and conditions can be found here.

*The New Vitodens 100 Range Includes:

Vitodens 100 – 26kw,30kw,35kw Combination Boilers
Vitodens 100 – 11kw, 19kw, 25kw, 32kw System Boilers
Vitodens 111 – 25kw, 35kw Storage Combi Boilers

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