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Product of the month – RAS-B2 Self-balancing TRV from Danfoss

The Danfoss RAS-B2 self-balancing TRV is our product of the month for June… Find out why below, and […]

TradeHelp | 2 years, 9 months ago

The Danfoss RAS-B2 self-balancing TRV is our product of the month for June

Find out why below, and don’t forget you can access special offers on the Danfoss RAS-B2. Just make sure you are in the free TradeHelp Buying Group and we will do the rest!

The simple solution to a daily challenge

Unbalanced heating systems are a constant source of frustration for end users and call backs for heating installers. Noisy radiators, uneven heat distribution, excessive heating bills and energy waste are all consequences of inefficient and wasteful systems. With RAS-B2, Danfoss gives you the ability to solve these issues while increasing your customers’ comfort and satisfaction.

2-in-1 Optimal temperature control and hydronic balancing in a single product

In contrast to other TRVs which only act as flow limiters, the innovative design of the Danfoss RAS-B2 features a differential pressure controller that ensures all radiators throughout the home get the heat they need throughout the year regardless of whether it is spring, autumn or winter.

Save time on installations

To make life even easier the time-saving RAS-B2 valve is featured on the Danfoss Installer App which allows installers to calculate, record and document the correct flow and subsequent setting for each radiator on their smartphone or tablet. Pre-setting of the desired flow is done on the valve rather than on the lockshield which it is estimated, could save installers up to two hours of valuable working time.

Thanks to this innovative product heating installers can now ensure the system is correctly balanced in a fraction of the time it would normally take.

Installer Life made easier

Danfoss wants to make installer life easier and has applied its extensive knowledge to make this happen.  Through the Installer Hub, you can access the latest product data sheets, online training, helpful YouTube videos and much more.  And now, Danfoss are touring the country in the Installer Life Tour Bus where you can meet your local representatives, check out the tour bus packed with products and knowledge, and find out about the latest innovations. You will also be able to find out how the product range can provide increased warmth, comfort, and efficiency to customers. Click here to see the dates and locations of the tour bus.

To be the first to know about the latest products, training sessions and developments from Danfoss, then sign up to the Installer Life newsletter here

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