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Get £100 cashback when you purchase any York air source heat pump from BuyTrade.
Log in with your existing TradeHelp credentials and search ‘York air’.
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Supported heat pumps include York Air Source Heat Pump 5Kw, 7Kw, 9Kw, 12Kw, 14Kw & 16Kw- all including controller and anti vibe feet.
Simply purchase your heat pump through the BuyTrade site and the cash back will be paid directly into your account!
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*Terms and Conditions
Participants must have joined the free TradeHelp Buying Group. To qualify for the cashback available, participants must purchase a qualifying York Air Source Heat Pump between 1st April and 30th April 2024 through the site. Any participants receiving or benefitting from existing Contract Support (as defined by TradeHelp and York) will be ineligible for the cashback. Cash back available on one qualifying purchase per company during April. Existing standard Buying Group cashback and terms apply to any additional purchases.