Accept payments with fees up to 80% lower than credit/debit cards with our latest partner Atoa.
Atoa Instant Bank Pay allows any customer to make payments directly to a business using their existing banking app.
As a member of the TradeHelp Buying Group you can now access this brilliant offer:
Customers pay by scanning a QR code with their smartphone camera or clicking on an SMS payment link. The customer is then redirected to their UK Bank App to safely authorise payment.
Atoa payment fees are up to 80% lower than credit/debit cards and funds are paid instantly, directly into your bank.
Members of the TradeHelp Buying Group (who are new to Atoa) can access the 0.5% transaction fees (RRP 0.6%) and 14 days of fee-free transactions when they sign up through the TradeHelp-Atoa link available from TradeHelp or enter referral code ‘TradeHelp’ in the ‘Did someone refer you?’ field when registering. After your 14 days of fee-free transactions, your transaction fees are paid to Atoa by monthly direct debit. You can manage your direct debit at any time within the Billing section of your Atoa Business App. The further £40 cash back is earnt if you transact over £400 via Atoa instant bank pay and set up your direct debit with Atoa for your transaction fees within the first 40 days from signing up to Atoa through the TradeHelp-Atoa link or enter referral code ‘TradeHelp’ in the ‘Did someone refer you?’ field when registering . There is no contract and there are no hidden fees. After the initial 40 days any qualifying companies, confirmed by Atoa to have transacted £400 or more and set up their direct debit in that time, will be paid £40 in cash from TradeHelp. Payment will be made via bank transfer directly into your bank account. Please ensure bank details are saved in your TradeHelp app in the Settings section to allow us to make payment. Payment will be made to qualifying companies within 80 days of sign-up. TradeHelp can accept no liability for payment of the cash back if Atoa do not confirm qualification. Companies who do not qualify for the cash back are still able to access the reduced fee of 0.5% on transactions.